We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. What does this mean to our customers? Once we receive your parts, every step of our process is documented. When we receive the parts, where they are staged in our facility, when we pretreat (if needed), throughout the print cycle, through post treatment and Quality Control. Click to View Certificate
We utilize our Quality Manuel to document and control our processes including continual employee cross training. We have monthly internal audits performed by our Quality management to monitor our receiving, production and inspection reports, equipment calibrations, any corrective actions (CAPA’s) and continual improvement audits to name a few.
“These same core processes are audit annually by our certified ISO auditing company BSI.” See our certificate link at the top of our home page.
Our production work orders contain all required informationfor your particular part and substrate. They including customer drawings, purchase order numbers,part numbers, lot/job numbers. All ink(s) and mixtures are there for our operators to verify and confirmed prior to each print production run. Therefore, reducing errors or omissions. All critical dimensions and measurements are reviewed and sign off on after each process by management. We employ ANSI/ASQQuality inspection standards for each printed part. Our standard three (3) adhesiontests are; alcohol test, tape test and scratch test.
We provide 100 percent “traceability” for all our customer orders…Call to find out more 941-739-8667